We are a record label, we offer music production / recording / mixing / mastering and music performance services. It is mainly based around me – Per Tidstrand – and what I do as a musician, music producer and sound engineer. We collaborate with other musicians, sound engineers and producers.
We aim to manage any musical style, sound or noise. To illustrate the spectrum – below you can see some examples from the past.
We distribute music on all the usual services such as Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer – you know them all. As a label, we work with artists mainly on a distribution agreement basis. But feel free to send us a demo if you like.
Vi är Malmöbaserade och det mesta av det vi gör sker i regionen. Webbsidan är på engelska för att hålla sidan enkel. Vi har emellanåt långväga gäster. Det går förstås bra att höra av sig till oss på svenska 🙂